reflecting mirror造句

"reflecting mirror"是什麽意思   


  1. Blue reflecting mirror
  2. As the rapid development of the technique for high reflecting mirrors , the traditional methods for reflectivity measurement cannot fill the urgent needs
  3. It should be viewed with a specially designed devicethe zograscopewhich creates an illusion of depth and three - dimensional effect with a series of reflecting mirrors
  4. Indium stannum oxide ( ito ) as semiconductor have caused a great deal of interest due to their prominent electro - optical behavior . ito has high prominent transmittance , high infrared reflectance , good electrical conductivity , ito applied as gas sensors , photovoltaic devices , heat reflecting mirrors , solar cells , flat panel displays , liquid crystal displays , electroluminescent , devices and organic light - emitting diodes ( oled ) etc . although preparations and applications of ito films have been studied deeply . nano - ito composites hardly studied
    氧化銦錫( ito )是一種高簡并的n型半導體,由于具有導電性,可見光高透過率,紅外反射性,穩定的化學性,被廣泛應用于熱反射建筑玻璃、抗靜電涂層,太陽能電池,熱發射鏡,平板顯示器和液晶顯示屏,傳感器,有機光致二級管( oled )等方面,國內外對高質量的ito薄膜的制備和應用進行了深入的研究,但是很少有ito納米粒子與高分子材料復合的報道。
  5. The design of amorphous photonic material and photonic crystal devicements we design to make a reflecting mirror of cylinder paraboloid of an antenna by using amorphous photonic materials . we calculated the transmission of the mirror and the distribution of electric field by using multiple scattering method . the result shows that it can be used as a reflecting mirror of an antenna
  6. It's difficult to find reflecting mirror in a sentence. 用reflecting mirror造句挺難的


  1. "reflecting level"造句
  2. "reflecting loss"造句
  3. "reflecting losses"造句
  4. "reflecting material"造句
  5. "reflecting microscope"造句
  6. "reflecting object"造句
  7. "reflecting objective"造句
  8. "reflecting on"造句
  9. "reflecting optics"造句
  10. "reflecting plane"造句

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