reflecting pool造句

"reflecting pool"是什麽意思   


  1. President and mrs . bush paid their respects on sunday , placing a wreath on one of the reflecting pools at ground zero
  2. President and mrs . bush paid their respects on sunday , placing a simple wreath on one of the reflecting pools at ground zero
  3. In addition to the floral displays , there are flowing lawns and box - trimmed hedges , somber green irish yews and fragrant sprays of wisteria , terraces and reflecting pools
  4. Posters adorn the gate on the southwest side of the capitol reflecting pool , as attendees set up a table with press materials , while volunteers test a loudspeaker and set out coolers filled with bottled water
  5. The memorial honoring world trade center victims will include a forest of oak trees with a clearing for sept . 11 gatherings and a memorial hall between the twin reflecting pools that will mark the footprints of the lost towers , officials announced thursday
    美國官方周四( 12月16日)宣布,為緬懷紐約世貿中心撞機事件中的遇難者而修建的世貿雙塔遺址紀念地將包括一片橡樹林和一個紀念館,橡樹林中將留有一塊空地,作為紀念911襲擊事件的公共集會區;紀念館將建在兩汪清池之間,這兩片清池標志著已不復存在的雙塔。
  6. It's difficult to find reflecting pool in a sentence. 用reflecting pool造句挺難的


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  6. "reflecting pools"造句
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