


  1. Can third parties practice epcglobal specifications on a royalty - free basis
  2. Dupont has offered the technology to fluoropolymer manufacturers globally in a royalty - free exchange
  3. Such a notice grants a world - wide , royalty - free license , unlimited in duration , to use that work under the conditions stated herein
  4. License would not permit royalty - free redistribution of the program by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you , then
  5. Cast is patented by entrust technologies , though entrust makes it available royalty - free for commercial or non - commercial use
    Cast的專利由entrust technologies所有,但是entrust允許他人將它用于商業或非商業用途,而不必交專利使用費。
  6. It's difficult to find royalty-free in a sentence. 用royalty-free造句挺難的
  7. If no intellectual property is identified , then the participant has agreed that any necessary intellectual property is to be licensed on a royalty - free basis
  8. Ecos ( embedded configurable operating system ) is an open source , royalty - free and distributed under the gpl license , embedd operating system
    嵌入式可配置實時操作系統ecos ( embeddedconfigurableoperatingsystem )是一款源代碼公開的嵌入式操作系統,遵循gpl協議。
  9. By the same token , it would not be equitable for participants to have committed to a royalty - free licensing basis that third parties may exploit without a reciprocal obligation
  10. What if i have valuable intellectual property which my organization would not be willing to make available on a royalty - free basis , but we would be willing to make available on the basis of a royalty
  11. Adam pellegrino s online web - book collection . books by author : thermal oblivion physics theory and cyber pets children s . the royalty - free chronicles project consists largely of short stories and fables
  12. The objective of epcglobal inc . is to obtain commitments from participants that the specifications to which they have contributed will be made available for use on a royalty - free basis to the greatest extent possible
  13. Epcglobal inc . would strongly prefer that necessary intellectual property be made available on a royalty - free basis , and we will encourage the working groups to avoid the use of any intellectual property which is not available on a royalty - free basis
  14. Each contributor grants you a non - exclusive , worldwide , royalty - free patent license under the contributor ' s essential patent claims , to make , use , sell , offer for sale , import and otherwise run , modify and propagate the contents of its contributor version
  15. Because the epcglobal inc . standards development process is driven in part by business process proposals made by prospective end users , we also request that participants in such proposals also affirm a commitment to royalty - free licensing of necessary intellectual property
  16. For example , if a patent license would not permit royalty - free redistribution of the program by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you , then the only way you could satisfy both it and this license would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the program
  17. 更多例句:  下一頁


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