satin brocade造句

"satin brocade"是什麽意思   


  1. A cream satin brocade dress with 10 rows of pearls trimming the neck, $ 15
  2. Satin brocade shirts worn with extra wide velvet ties, add luxury to the pared down look.
  3. In a lighter mood, a very short satin brocade dress in a pumpkin color has matching feather sleeves.
  4. The wall fabrics are of satin brocade in apricot cream colour; they were also fitted under the expert's guidance.
  5. Han Feng, a New York-based, Chinese-born designer, showed a collection of exquisitely beautiful satin brocade jackets and wide-legged pants cut to midcalf.
  6. It's difficult to find satin brocade in a sentence. 用satin brocade造句挺難的
  7. The interview with the vampire takes place in a sixth-floor walk-up in the East Village, among the dark shadows cast by blood-red drapes of satin brocade.
  8. The queen, staying in a Kremlin apartment, then made a quick change into her pink-and-green satin brocaded ensemble and sped off under police escort to the Bolshoi.
  9. It looked like he used the Victorian era for inspiration when he created a cream satin brocade pinched-waist jacket over a white dress with flowing ruffles and a light green cummerbund.
  10. Finally, the priest has full vestments ( chasuble, dalmatic, clevis, veil covering the chalice, purse, maniple ), satin brocaded, with colourful ornaments, and with an undecorated cross of a landscape, from the 18th century.
  11. One of the bridal suites was in Louis XV style, with satin brocade hangings and furniture, and curtains of Brussels point lace; and the other was in the style of the Herzog Teleseme, was one of the conveniences of Holland House, serving as a signalling system.


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