segmentation contraction造句

"segmentation contraction"是什麽意思   


  1. This produces a muscular actions of peristalsis and segmentation contractions.
  2. Segmentation contractions are the contractions in intestines carried out by the smooth muscle walls.
  3. Segmentation contractions act to mix and move the chyme more slowly in the small intestine allowing more time for absorption ( and these continue in the large intestine ).
  4. While peristalsis involves one-way motion in the caudal direction, segmentation contractions move chyme in both directions, which allows greater mixing with the secretions of the intestines.
  5. Unlike peristalsis, which predominates in the esophagus, "'segmentation contractions "'occur in the large intestine and small intestine, while predominating in the latter.
  6. It's difficult to find segmentation contraction in a sentence. 用segmentation contraction造句挺難的


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