- It was crushed, removed then stored close to the village of stonewash.
- Finally, you could try StoneWash, a TileLab care product sold at Home Depot.
- He also believes the best years of using pumice to stonewash denim are behind Tufflite anyway.
- By inventing the stonewash-procedure, Closed hit the high mark in the 1980s and conquered the denim market.
- "' Stonewash Ltd . "'is a digital magazine distribution company with offices in London and New York.
- It's difficult to find stonewashes in a sentence. 用stonewashes造句挺難的
- Other granite cleaners that might work are TileLab's StoneWash, Stain Remover, and Stone & AMP; Tile Stripper, sold at Home Depot.
- Finishes run the gamut from medium stonewash to a dark rinse, while colored denims range from black, navy and white to light green and blue.
- When asked if Stonefish would ever get a girlfriend or roam around Ramsay Street in his stonewash denim forever, Engelman replied " Life gets much better for Stonefish.
- As is the case with stonewashes, dark rinses and black denim, white has become a basic that many jeans makers are keeping in their collections, regardless of the season.
- In January 2012 Stonewash were invited by Microsoft to build the first magazine app framework for Windows 8 and were the first developers to release magazines to the consumer preview version of Windows 8 in April 2012.
- A July 1, 1994, " Esquire " article describes several ways that manufacturers stonewash jeans : adding pumice stones to the wash cycle, using cellulase enzymes to " digest " the jeans'surface or tumbling chlorine-soaked pumice stones in the dry cycle.