transmitted flux造句

"transmitted flux"是什麽意思   


  1. ( 3 ) in this paper , the writer discusses the excellent merit of xml which behaved in improving the representation of web page and resolves the problem that how to convert the data in database into xml stream and convert the stream into the html again in order to simplify the interface and reduce the transmit flux in net
    ( 3 )詳細討論了xml技術在改進web頁面表示技術方面所體現出來的卓越特性。解決了如何將數據庫中的數據轉換成xml數據流,然后再轉換成瀏覽器可以識別的html格式,以簡化人機交互的界面、減少數據在網絡傳輸中的流量。
  2. It's difficult to find transmitted flux in a sentence. 用transmitted flux造句挺難的


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  10. "transmitted light"造句

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