transmitted intensity造句

"transmitted intensity"是什麽意思   


  1. The integrated intensity of each Gaussian peak gives the transmitted intensity through the test gas, while the position of the peak also gives information about the relative frequency of the peak.
  2. For angles of incidence steeper than 80?the polarization of the transmitted beam can approach 100 % with as few as four plates, although the transmitted intensity is very low in this case.
  3. The number, positions, and intensities of the dips ( also called peaks; dips in transmitted intensity are peaks in absorbance ) provide information about the chemical environment of the absorbing nuclei and can be used to characterize the sample.
  4. Since then, X-rays were used as an invaluable tool to non-destructively determine the inner structure of different objects, although the information was for a long time obtained by measuring the transmitted intensity of the waves only, and the phase information was not accessible.
  5. where " A " is the measured absorbance ( in Absorbance Units ( AU ) ), I _ 0 is the intensity of the incident light at a given wavelength, I is the transmitted intensity, " L " the path length through the sample, and " c " the concentration of the absorbing species.
  6. It's difficult to find transmitted intensity in a sentence. 用transmitted intensity造句挺難的


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