


  1. Furthermore, the Zincke reaction has nothing to do with the chemical element zinc.
  2. A variation of the Zincke reaction has been applied in the synthesis of novel indoles:
  3. Other artists in enamel were Christian Friedrich Zincke ( died 1767 ) and Johann Melchior Dinglinger.
  4. Zincke was a lover of travel.
  5. The Zincke reaction should not be confused with the Zincke-Suhl reaction or the Zincke nitration.
  6. It's difficult to find zincke in a sentence. 用zincke造句挺難的
  7. The Zincke reaction should not be confused with the Zincke-Suhl reaction or the Zincke nitration.
  8. The Zincke reaction should not be confused with the Zincke-Suhl reaction or the Zincke nitration.
  9. Boit's students in England included John Milward, Otto Frederick Peterson and Christian Friedrich Zincke.
  10. He was born in Horten to brewery owner Johan Anthony Zincke Broch and Fanny Caroline Harriet Gamborg.
  11. Afterwards, he served as an assistant to Theodor Zincke at Marburg and to Wilhelm Ostwald in Leipzig.
  12. In the Zincke disulfide cleavage reactions, disulfides are cleaved to give the to a sulfenyl halide by reaction with bromine or chlorine.
  13. Zincke studied theology and philosophy at the University of Jena, before studying jurisprudence at the University of Erfurt and the University of Halle.
  14. After spending a year in Marburg engaging in research under Theodor Zincke, he was elected to an 1851 Exhibition Scholarship and then in 1903 entered University College, London.
  15. In 1746 the miniature-painter Christian Friedrich Zincke was obliged to give up his house in Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, and retire from his profession due to failing eyesight.
  16. The Santiago military commander on the day of the vote, Gen . Jorge Zincke, disclosed during the same program that vote results were delayed for at least six hours by the government.
  17. 更多例句:  下一頁


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