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per hectare中文

用"per hectare"造句"per hectare" in a sentence"per hectare"怎麼讀


  • 每公頃


  • The rate of production per hectare is very high in england
  • It indicated 150 kg k2o per hectare is proper under the high level of nitrogen
    表明在高施氮量下施鉀150公斤k2o /公頃是適宜的。
  • Integrated cultivation should be practised to increase the yield and profit per hectare
  • Some california studies have recorded yield increases of as much as 280 to 504 kg lint per hectare
    一些加利福尼亞州的研究報導皮棉產量增加了280 ~ 504公斤/公頃。
  • In order to meet the demand of growing population , there exists an urgent need in raising the yield per hectare
  • Huge tracts of public forest in the developing world are being leased for less than $ 1 per hectare a year
  • Farmers in sub - saharan africa now use only about 9kg of fertiliser per hectare on average , compared with 142kg in south - east asia
  • Despite the reduced oil content with increasing nitrogen rates , the highest oil production per hectare came from the highest nitrogen treatment
  • Plant population varies from 1 , 400 to 1 , 600 plants per hectare and the plantation is kept in the field for several ratoons using suckers coming from the mother plant
  • But the maximum resettlement fee per hectare of land requisitioned shall not exceed 15 times of the average annual output value of the three years prior to the requisition
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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