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r and b中文

用"r and b"造句"r and b" in a sentence"r and b"怎麼讀


  • R and B =rhythm and blues 拍子清楚,節奏簡單的布魯斯樂曲。


  • At liquidsoulradio . com , we spotlight some of the newest talents of neo - soul , r and b , hip - hop and jazz . spotlight
    公眾的注意或突出. spotlight ,本意是“聚光燈” ,這里用的同樣是比喻意。
  • Ask usher . the r and b singer , who is starring in his first lead role in " in the mix , " shared his secrets with time magazine
    這位當今美國流行樂界的r and b天王日前在接受時代雜志專訪時,介紹了他的約會小秘密。
用"r and b"造句  
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