My eyes strayed far and wide before i shut them and said ` here art thou 我的眼睛向空闊處四望,最后才合上眼說: ”你原來住在這里! ”
" i remember that she had it in her hand when she closed her eyes the last time . “我記得她最后合上眼睛的時候那個洋娃娃還在她手上。 ”
For example , if i wanted to be in a field miles away , i would shut my eyes and concentrate on that field 例如,如果我想去幾哩外的田野,我合上眼睛把注意力集中到那個地方。
Elizabeth awoke the next morning to the same thoughts and meditations which had at length closed her eyes 伊麗莎白昨夜一直深思默想到合上眼睛為止,今天一大早醒來,心頭又涌起了這些深思默想。
Destiny plays an important part in filmmaking . it is not like you can do whatever you want . the film business was actually not that good at the moment when we made :我覺得拍每一部戲都是緣份,不是單單你合上眼睛,想做就可以去做。
Kutuzov was still at the same spot ; his bulky frame drooped in the saddle with the lassitude of old age , and he was yawning wearily with closed eyes 庫圖佐夫還站在原地不動,現出衰邁的老態,將他那肥胖的身軀俯在馬鞍上,合上眼睛,沉重地打著哈欠。
Well , kitty needed a name . looking at his closed eyes , i thought of katsu shintaro the famous japanese actor who played the part of zatoichi , the blind samurai 想想總不能老是稱它做小朋友,總應有一個名字,看見它合上眼睛,就想到日本電影里的盲俠勝新太郎。
If he closed his eyes , he saw cardinal spada s letter written on the wall in characters of flame - if he slept for a moment the wildest dreams haunted his brain 一合上眼,他就看見紅衣主教斯帕達的那封遺書用火紅的字寫在墻上,略微打個盹兒,腦子里就會出現一些最荒誕古怪的夢境。
Listening to the music quietly , i enjoy the loneliness . i love myself , and i know how to protect myself . as time goes by , i walk in the endless plain 合上眼,靜靜地欣賞音樂,體味孤獨的醇香。我還是那個愛自己,懂得為自己療傷的我。時光在指縫中悵然消逝,我漫步于一望無際的草原。
He closed his eyes , then opened them to stare at the fire , which seemed to him dazzling red , and then at the stooping , feeble figure of tushin , squatting in turkish fashion near him 他時而合上眼睛,時而注視似乎燒得通紅的篝火,時而注視盤腿坐在身旁的圖申,注視他那有點傴僂而虛弱的身體。