He pointed to his mud - stained riding - breeches . the german woman of the house popped her head out of a door at rostovs loud voice 德國女老板聽見羅斯托夫的響亮的嗓音,便從半開著的門內探出頭來。
In the season of joy i present my sincerest wishes and kindest thoughts . may this christmas outshine all the rest 在這歡樂的時節給你我最真的祝福和親切的思念,我和我的女老板獻上一切美好的祝福!祝一切順心如意!
The owner of the restaurant where the seminar was held expressed deep gratitude for the spiritual nourishment she had received from the experience 另外,餐廳的女老板對于這三天講座帶給她心靈的滋潤,表達了發自內心的感激。
Find out some respectable woman with a little property - somebody in the landlady way , or lodging - letting way - and marry her , against a rainy day 找一個有點財產的正經女人一個女老板,或是女房主什么的一跟她結婚,來個未雨綢繆。
The way of the dragon tang lung arrives in rome to help a friend chen ching hua . she has threatened by local gangsters who want to takeover her . . 唐受托赴歐洲協助解決一宗餐館的產業問題,惡勢力集團何泰率洋流氓前來餐館搗亂,要女老板陳清華一天內答覆餐館。
Now that i ' m what is termed a " supervisor , " i realize that i ' m doing exactly what my previous women bosses did . and , i wonder , what are my colleagues thinking 我現在的職位是"主管" ,我意識到我正在重復著我以前的女老板所做的一切,并且很想知道同事對我的看法。
The way of the dragon tang lung arrives in rome to help a friend chen ching hua . she has threatened by local gangsters who want to takeover her restaurant 唐受托赴歐洲協助解決一宗餐館的產業問題,惡勢力集團何泰率洋流氓前來餐館搗亂,要女老板陳清華一天內答覆餐館。