The other men were variously burthened ; some carrying picks and shovels - for that had been the very first necessary they brought ashore from the hispaniola - others laden with pork , bread , and brandy for the midday meal 其他人都扛著各種各樣的東西有的扛著鐵鍬和鎬頭這是他們最先從伊斯班裊拉號帶上來的工具有的扛著午飯時吃的豬肉干面包和白蘭地。
Joe was for being a hermit , and living on crusts in a remote cave , and dying , some time , of cold and want and grief ; but after listening to tom , he conceded that there were some conspicuous advantages about a life of crime , and so he consented to be a pirate 喬提議去當隱士,遠離人群,穴居野外,靠干面包維生,等著終于有那么一天被凍死餓死傷心而死。不過,聽罷湯姆一席話后,他也認為干犯罪的勾當并不賴,于是欣然同意去當海盜。
The officers were hurriedly drinking tea and eating breakfast ; the soldiers were munching biscuits , stamping their feet rhythmically , while they gathered about the fires warming themselves , and throwing into the blaze remains of shanties , chairs , tables , wheels , tubs , everything superfluous that they could not take away with them 軍官們急急忙忙地飲茶,用早餐,士兵們嘴嚼干面包,急促地頓足,聚集在篝火對面取暖,他們把剩下的貨棚桌椅車輪木桶,凡是不能隨身帶走的用不著的東西都拋進木柴堆,一起燒掉。
All the time i was washing out the block - house , and then washing up the things from dinner , this disgust and envy kept growing stronger and stronger , till at last , being near a bread - bag , and no one then observing me , i took the first step towards my escapade , and filled both pockets of my coat with biscuit 我一直在洗刷木屋里的血跡和午飯的餐具。我愈洗愈厭惡這個鬼地方,也就愈加羨慕醫生。到了最后,在一個面包袋旁,趁沒人注意到我,我做了逃走的第一步準備:往我的上衣口袋里塞滿了干面包。