An independent city of north - central virginia west - northwest of charlottesville . the birthplace of woodrow wilson , it is a trade and processing center . population , 24 , 461 斯丹頓美國弗吉尼亞州中北部一獨立城市,位于夏洛茨維爾西北偏西,是伍德羅?威爾遜的出生地。它是一個貿易和加工業中心。人口24 , 461
Abstract : trotsky ' s literary thought had affected lu xun in 1920 and 1930s when lu xun was constructing his own literary view on revolution literature and comrade - going - on - the - same - way literature 文摘:托洛茨基的文藝思想對魯迅產生了明顯的影響,這主要表現在20 、 30年代魯迅的“革命文學”觀和“ ‘同路人’文學”觀的形成過程中。
Lubomirsky , bronnitsky , vlotsky , and others of the same sort , helped to swell the clamour to such a point that barclay , on the pretext of sending papers to the tsar in petersburg , got rid of the polish generals , and entered into open conflict with bennigsen and the grand duke 柳博米爾斯基布拉尼茨基和弗洛茨基之流的人物,吵得之兇,使得巴克萊借口給皇上呈送文件,差遣波蘭高級侍從武官到彼得堡去,然后對貝尼格森和大公進行一場公開的斗爭。