- The air force rendezvoused over southern england .
機群在英國南部上空集合。 - I ordered all the raw recruits to be mustered .
我命令叫所有的新兵都集合起來。 - The union of two sets a and b is denoted by aub .
兩個集合A和B的并,用AUB表示。 - These skin particles are groups of epithelial cells .
這些碎屑為皮膜細胞的集合體。 - Society was not a collection of atomized individuals .
社會不是一盤散沙的個人的集合體。 - A system is a collection of interrelated components .
一個系統是相互聯系的一些元素的集合。 - Bugler , sound the rally !
司號兵,吹集合號! - The strength of the assemblage is bond-strength limited .
纖維集合體的強力受粘合強力的限制。 - The set e may be thought of as a binary relation on set v .
集合E可看成集合V上的一個二元關系。 - My first job was to collect and organise a working team .