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link file

"link file"的翻譯和解釋


  • Task follows the links in the . resx files and checks the timestamps of the linked files as well
    任務將遵循. resx文件中的鏈接,同時檢查鏈接文件的時間戳。
  • Data links file manager allows for the management of external files as part of the db2 database
    Data links file manager允許將外部文件的管理作為db2數據庫的一部分。
  • You could delete a hard - linked file in one directory , and it would still exist in the other directory
  • All fonts and linked files are included so that everyone will see your presentation exactly as you designed it
  • When accessed , a symbolic link file , also called a symlink , redirects the requester to another file
    (符號鏈接文件也稱為symlink ,是一種簡單的文件,當被訪問時,它會將請求重定向到另一個文件。
  • Eclipse will scan this links folder on startup and find the plug - ins in each product extension pointed to by a link file
  • If you later save the entire temporary project , that saved item remains a linked file and a copy is not saved in the project folder
  • Mallory installed and ran a trivial program with odd behavior : it quickly created and removed many different symbolic link files in the tmp directory , using a multitude of processes
    Mallory安裝并運行了一個行為非常奇怪的小程序,該程序使用多個進程在/ tmp目錄下快速地創建和刪除很多不同的符號鏈接文件。
  • In a universal data link file . udls are stored in clear text and cannot be encrypted . a udl file is an external file - based resource to your application , and it cannot be secured or encrypted using the . net framework
    如果在建立連接時必須提供用戶標識和密碼,最安全的方法是在使用信息打開連接后丟棄這些信息,在persist security info設置為false或no時會發生這種情況。
  • When you build through the visual c ide , all the encapsulated resource data , including both the resources that were embedded into the . resx file and the linked files , is compiled directly into the application assembly the . exe or . dll file
    當通過visual c # ide進行生成時,所有封裝的資源數據(包括嵌入到. resx文件中的資源和鏈接的文件)都被直接編譯到應用程序程序集( . exe或. dll文件)中。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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