4 . raw meat defrosted by microwave oven can be frozen again if not consumed 4 .用微波爐解凍的生肉,可放回冰格貯存。
It eats raw meat 他對我們生吞活剝
Clean the pork and scald in hot water to remove the fats and raw meat taste 制法: 1 .將豬?獲~凈后用熱水燙過以除去肥脂和腥味。
He had worn through the blanket - wrappings , and his feet were shapeless lumps of raw meat 腳下裹的毯子都磨穿了,腳也被磨得沒一處好肉。
Separate raw meat from cooked and other raw foods to avoid cross - contamination 生肉應該和熟肉以及其它的生食品分開放置,避免引起交叉污染。
Always wash your hands with soap and water before preparing food and after handling raw meat 處理食物之前或接觸過生肉之后,都要用肥皂清洗雙手。
Raw meats may contain parasites , and cooked meats can be high in fat and do not contain a proper balance of nutrients 生肉含有寄生蟲,而熟肉脂肪又太高而沒有含有適當均衡的營養素。
When the man brought him water , he drank eagerly , and later bolted a generous meal of raw meat , chuck by chunk , from the man ' s hand 那人把水拿給他,他急切地喝了,之后又從那人手里成塊成塊地囫圇吞吃了許多生肉。
Freeze or clean and cook poultry as soon as you reach home from a shopping trip , as existing micro - organisms multiply rapidly in raw meat at room temperature 保存維持冷藏當你從外購物回家后,馬上進行冷凍或清洗烹調禽肉。
One group of frenchmen was standing close by the road , and two soldiers , one with his face covered with sores , were tearing at a piece of raw meat with their hands 靠近路邊站著一堆法國人。有兩個士兵其中的一個臉上長滿了瘡正在用手撕吃一塊生肉。