Chapter three studies the relations among the forms of their capital demand , the amount of capital and demand period 論文的第三部分主要分析了高新技術企業的資金需求形式、資金量與需求期限之間的關系。
These results indicate that the three studied clonal herbs demonstrated division of labor induced by reciprocal patchiness of light and nutrients 這表明,三種克隆植物發生了環境誘導的克隆內分工行為。
The more time children spend watching television the poorer they perform academically , according to three studies published on monday 本周一( 7月4日)發表的三份研究報告聲稱,兒童花在看電視上的時間越多,他們的學習成績就越差。
Chapter three studies how to manage and control audit risk , reduce or even eliminate the audit risk in order to protect cpas and their firms 第三章:研究如何防范和控制審計風險,從而將審計風險的程度降至最低,以保護注冊會計師和會計師事務所。
Based on three studies , the results suggest that negative incentives are a strong deterrent for certain consumers but can actually increase piracy tendencies for others 三組研究的結果表明,消極刺激因素對某些消費者起到了強烈的威懾,但是卻在事實上增加了其他消費者的盜版傾向。
The aec edu group is providing three study grants of the university of birmingham s master of business administration course for interested applicants in the chinese community through cdac 亞洲教育集團通過華社自助理事會提供三份伯明翰大學工商管理碩士課程助學金,讓有興趣的華族人士申請。
The exhibition covers the early period of bacon ' s work including the tritych " three studies for figures at the base of a crucifixion " derived from picasso ' s " crucifixion " . " picasso is the reason why i paint 這項展覽囊括了培根的早期作品,包括源于畢卡索的耶穌受難的三聯畫以耶穌受難為本的三張習作。
Section three studies the legal design of the limited liability of shareholders . according to principle of justness , law prescribes the application conditions : the 第三節對股東有限責任制度的具體法律構建進行探討,指出法律基于公平正義的價值考量,為了平衡股東與債權人之間的利益,規定了股東有限責任制度的適用條件。
It contrasted those with three studies in the united states , and studies in finland and denmark , which paulsson said used more reliable sampling methods and were based on medical reports rather than interviews with patients 認為這三位的調查進行了更可信的取樣,并且是以醫學報告為依據,而不僅僅是簡單地采訪一些病患者。