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to be bound to

"to be bound to"的翻譯和解釋


  • Because these web services are contained on the same web application , they both have to be bound to the same web site
  • Component without first specifying a list to be bound to , the component will act like a list - style data source and accept these added items
  • They are all alike , he said to himself , reflecting he was not the only man whose unhappy fate it was to be bound to a low woman
    “她們都是一丘之貉, ”他自言自語地說,心里想到,并非他一人遭到與那下流女人結合的悲慘命運。
  • Gets or sets the binding option , which indicates whether all work submitted by the activity is to be bound to only one single - threaded apartment
    獲取或設置綁定選項,該選項指示是否將該活動提交的所有工作僅綁定到一個單線程單元( sta ) 。
  • Notifiers are a great way of coupling parts of a system that are interested in state changes but don ' t want to be bound to one another
  • The rebinding is performed in a " lazy " manner , that is , only when a requested value requires the management object to be bound to the wmi object
  • Both packages will enable a new network service in the system although they can both be configured to be bound to the internal loopback network device
  • For example , if your work item list includes microsoft excel . xls files or microsoft project . mpp files that are bound to the first team project , those files will continue to be bound to the first team project even though they appear in the work item list for the second team project
    例如,如果您的工作項列表包括綁定到第一個團隊項目的microsoft excel ( . xls )文件或microsoft project ( . mpp )文件,那么這些文件即使顯示在第二個團隊項目的工作項列表中,也仍然綁定到第一個團隊項目。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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