Taft continued stubbornly to defend him and thus exacerbated popular discontent . 塔夫脫繼續頑固地包庇他。這就加劇了公眾的不滿。
It was he whose arrival in his capital called up all france in arms to defend him there . 他來到法國的首都,鼓動法國人民武裝起來保衛他。
He held his sword drawn in his hand, to defend himself, if i should happen to break loose . 他手把著出鞘的劍,如果萬一我掙脫束縛,他就可以用劍來防身。
I will leave my defense to you; it's a charge that a man has to stoop to defend himself from . 那我就讓你為我辯護吧。面對這樣的控訴,一個男人必須彎腰屈膝為自己辯護。
Had judith encouraged him, he would not have hesitated about remaining to defend her and her sister . 要是朱蒂絲給過他一些希望,他也會毫不猶豫地留下來保護她們姐妹的。
The individual develops behavioural means to defend himself from the enticements to establish relations with others . 個人會發展一些行為方法以使自己不受到與他人建立關系的誘惑。
If the defendant cannot afford legal counsel, the state must provide an attorney to defend him at public expense . 如果被告不能負擔辨護律師的費用,州就必須用公費委任一位律師替他辯護。
Osborn, gasping and in tears, looked up with wonder and incredulity at seeing this amazing champion put up suddenly to defend him . 奧斯本流著淚,喘著氣,看見有人出其不意地替他打抱不平,詫異得不敢相信,只抬頭望著他。
And your designer handbag to defend yourself 和你的設計師的手提包來保護你自己
And your designer handbag to defend yourself 和你的設計師的手提包來保護你自己