Aspirin can ulcerate the stomach lining 阿司匹林能造成胃壁潰瘍
Pressure sore is an ulcerated area of skin over bony prominences 壓瘡是指在骨頭突出的部位發生的皮膚潰瘍。
By colonoscopy , a fungating , ulcerating mass is seen in the views below 結腸鏡檢,可見一個真菌樣生長的潰瘍面。
Study on the diagnosis value of multi - slice ct and dr for gastric ulcerated carcinoma 對潰瘍型胃癌的診斷價值探討
Colonoscopic views of another ulcerating mass , a rectal adenocarcinoma , are seen below 直腸腺癌的結腸鏡檢圖顯示潰瘍型腫塊。
Endoscopic views of an ulcerated mid - esophageal squamous cell carcinoma causing lumenal stenosis are seen 胃鏡可見伴潰瘍的食管中段鱗狀細胞癌引起食管腔狹窄。
Both types will often ulcerate , leaving a raw , sometimes bleeding area in the centre of the growth 兩種皮膚癌都常會出現潰瘍的情況,在腫瘤生長的中心位置留下粗糙且有時出血的傷處。
This irregular reddish , ulcerated exophytic mid - esophageal mass as seen on the mucosal surface is a squamous cell carcinoma 不規則微紅色外生性潰瘍,位于食管中段粘膜表面的的腫塊是鱗狀細胞癌。
Pseudopolyps are seen here in a case of severe ulcerative colitis . the remaining mucosa has been ulcerated away and is hyperemic 嚴重的潰瘍性結腸炎病歷中可見假息肉。殘留的黏膜已經潰爛脫落,充血。
Verrucous carcinoma is composed of lobules of mature squamous epithelium with minimal atypia , but they are ulcerating or fungating 疣狀癌由小葉狀的具有輕度異型性的成熟鱗狀上皮組成,并且呈潰瘍或真菌樣生長。