The average balance and the number and type of transactions seen on an account over a period of time give an indication of the financial activity which is normal for the customer 戶口在一段期間內出現的平均結馀、交易次數及形式,均可顯示客戶在一般正常的情況下可能從事的金融活動。
Where an employee is granted any period of annual leave , the employer shall pay him annual leave pay in respect of that period not later than the day on which he is next paid his wages after that period 凡顧員獲給予任何一段期間的年假?雇主最遲須于該段期間后的第一個發薪日付給該雇員該段期間的年假薪酬。
The reason is the tried and tested policy and practice of limiting spending increases to within the trend growth rate of gdp over time . simply put , the hksar government does not spend any more than it earns 這全賴我們采用久經考驗的政策和做法,就是在一段期間內,政府開支增長不得超逾本地生產總值趨勢增長。
In this period , the agricultural sector provided roughly 30 percent of the gross domestic product , while the ratio for the industrial sector was 25 percent ; for the service sector , it was 45 percent 在這一段期間內,農產品占國內生產總值的百分之三十,工業和服務業的百分比則分別為百分之二十五和百分之三十五。
All these factors contributed to the high api on 3 november . satellite pictures showing pollutant concentrations clearly illustrated the migration of the plume from guangzhou southwards within a span of 24 to 36 hours 從顯示污染物濃度的?星圖片清楚可見,污染物所形成的煙流在24至36小時的一段期間內由廣州向南移動。
Account is taken of the need to maintain over time the real yield from fees and charges , fixed duties , etc . and to review periodically the various tax thresholds in the light of inflation 中期預測已顧及在一段期間內,政府要維持來自各項收費定額稅項等收入的實質價值,以及要定期檢討各種稅項的免稅限額,以便追上通貨膨脹。
The hodge group brought to standard chartered an extensive network of uk offices specializing in instalment credit and industrial leasing , and after a period of rationalization its name was changed to chartered trust limited 哈吉帶給標準渣打的是英國內專精分期借貸以及商業出租。在一段期間后該集團的名稱改為渣打信托有限公司。
The hodge group brought to standard chartered an extensive network of uk offices specializing in instalment credit and industrial leasing , and after a period of rationalization its name was changed to chartered trust limited 哈吉帶給標準渣打的是英國內專精分期借貸以及商業出租。在一段期間后該集團的名稱改為渣打信托有限公司。
T refers to the total amount of credit card receivables written off the loan book during a period irrespective of when a charge is made to the profit and loss account , which may be earlier if it is the institutions policy to create provisions at an earlier time than the amount is written off 撇帳額指在一段期間內從貸款帳冊中撇除的信用卡應收帳款總額無論機構在何時將有關撇帳計入損益帳內,因為若機構的政策是預早在撇帳前提撥準備金,則計入損益帳的時間便會比實際撇帳時間早。
Refers to the total amount of credit card receivables written off the loan book during a period irrespective of when a charge is made to the profit and loss account , which may be earlier if it is the institutions policy to create provisions at an earlier time than the amount is written off 指在一段期間內從貸款帳冊中撇除的信用卡應收帳款總額無論機構在何時將有關撇帳計入損益帳內,因為若機構的政策是預早在撇帳前提撥準備金,則計入損益帳的時間便會比實際撇帳時間早。