An alternative approach to alcohols having two identical r groups(q)is to disconnect both at once . 另一可供選用的,通向具有兩個等同R基的醇(q)的辦法是,將這兩個R基一舉全都切開。
With kuratowski's theorem, there is at least a criterion to use in discussing the nonplanarity of a graph . 有了庫拉圖夫斯基定理,在討論一個圖的非平面性時,至少就有了一個判別準則可供使用。
As he was destitute of any other means of defence, his safety now depended entirely on bodily strength and resolution . 由于手中已沒有任何可供自衛的武器,他只好完全依仗自己的體力和決心了。
If objectives are to be meaningful to people, they must be clear, attainable, actionable, and verifiable . 如果目標對人們是具有意義的,則目標必須是清晰的,能達到的,可以行動的,以及可供檢驗的。
Even if he is not always consistent, he provides theories for all that he has tried to write, theories that may serve others . 縱然他不能時時都前后一致,他想寫的東西自有一套理論,可供別人參考。
Each country's planners develop their own separate menus of desirable imports and surplus goods available for export . 每個國家的計劃制訂者分別擬定出所需要的進口商品和可供出口的剩余商品的清單。
They acted as if the problem would go away if they offered no alternative or even a systematic critique . 他們的做法就好象只要他們不提出可供選擇的辦法,甚至只要他們不提出系統的批評,問題就化為烏有。
It was set amid the green of a hundred acres of lush farmland, with its own private hunting, and running streams to fish . 它座落在一百英畝蔥綠的莊稼地的中心,有著自己私人的獵場和可供釣魚的奔流的小溪。
Planning is the most basic of all managerial function since it involves selecting from among alternative future courses of action . 由于規劃涉及從未來一系列可供選擇的行動中作出選擇,它是最基本的管理功能。