A build wherein the resulting dll export table references indexes functions by ordinal 序數式構建:在dll中通過序數輸出表引用索引的一種構建方式。
For example , if your stored procedure contains a single in parameter , its ordinal value will be 1 例如,如果存儲過程包含單個in參數,則其序數值為1 。
General specifications of instrument for the determination of the crucible swelling number of bituminous coal - electrical heating 煙煤坩堝膨脹序數儀?電加熱法通用技術條件
If the statement contains two parameters , the first ordinal value will be 1 , while the second ordinal value will be 2 如果語句包含兩個參數,則第一個序數值為1 ,而第二個序數值為2 。
If the stored procedure contains two parameters , the first ordinal value will be 1 , while the second ordinal value will be 2 如果存儲過程包含兩個參數,則第一個序數值為1 ,第二個序數值為2 。
Specifies that the article is unordered , and any other value represents the ordinal value of the processing order for this article 時,指定項目未經排序,任何其他值都表示此項目處理順序的序數值。
For a n marker , n is an ordinal number corresponding to the nth column attribute in the attribute s list of columns attributes 對于{ $ $ n }標志, n是一個序數,對應于屬性的列/屬性列表中的第n個列/屬性。
The only thing that days of the week , months and numbers have in common is the concept of numerical sequence , or ordinality 一周當中的日子及一年當中的月份唯一的共通點,是數字順序或稱為序數的概念。
Now look at the numbers carefully , try to find out the changing rules . please pay attention to the colorful words and letters (讓他們注意觀察彩色單詞和字母,找出基數詞變序數詞的規律,允許他們用中文說。 )
Constructor , where the name of each value is converted to a string , and the ordinal setting represents a one - up value for each setting 構造函數中,在這里,每個值的名稱都被轉換成一個字符串,并且序數設置表示了每個設置的優先值。