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  • You want to touch and play with your kitten as much as you can as they are growing up to help them feel safe and loved
  • Into this she plunged , and did not pause till she was deep enough in its shade to be safe against any possibility of discovery
  • In der regel werden stoma - und inkontinenz - patienten bei der auswahl geeigneter systeme durch eine therapie untersttzt und in den versorgungswechsel eingefhrt
  • To support this we need to develop an attractive pedestrian network of streets and open spaces that are safe , pleasant and convenient to use
  • Yang jiang hao nan hotel takes the aims of " customer first , service first , credit first " , let all the walks of life feel safe , comfortable , convenient even feel at home
  • In summary , the volunteers felt safe with the rescuers and the medical personnel , but did not feel that their injuries were taken seriously and treated in a timely fashion
  • This means 92 percent of the people felt safe last year , or 0 . 1 percent more than 2005 and the highest percentage since the national bureau of statistics began the annual survey in 2001
    這些數據說明,去年有92 %的人感到安全,這一比例比2005年高0 . 1 ,同時創下國家統計局自2001年開展此項年度調查以來的最高記錄。
  • This means 92 percent of the people felt safe last year , or 0 . 1 percent more than 2005 and the highest percentage since the national bureau of statistics began the annual survey in 2001
    這些數據說明,去年有92 %的人感到安全,這一比例比2005年高0 . 1 ,同時創下國家統計局自2001年開展此項年度調查以來的最高記錄。
  • Furthermore , perceptions of safety during the day received a mean score of 4 . 24 , an increase on the 3 . 96 attained in 2001 . at night , however , that figure declines to 3 . 79 , which although an increase over the 2001 score of 3 . 44 , requires further examination
  • You ' d never know this was the same dog that arrived at my doorstep eight years earlier so beaten , scarred and scared that as soon as he made eye contact with you , he ' d lie down on his back with his feet up in the air and pee until you petted and soothed him into feeling safe
    你們怎么也想不到, 8年前就是這只狗被打得遍體鱗傷,出現在我家門階上,嚇得一見人就仰臥著,翹起腿撒尿,直到人們摸摸它,輕聲細語地安慰它,它才感到安全
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