Compare to this , the routers and the switchs in an can compute network message according to users " demands 相比之下,在主動網絡中的路由器和交換機則可以對網絡報文進行用戶自定義計算。
Custom reflectivity function - check this option , to specify a custom curve for the reflection strength based on the angle of view 手動調節反射效果勾選將指定用戶自定義曲線來調節反射。
The user defined section allows different materials to be created ; if one is created it must begin with a " _ " character 用戶自定義部分允許建立不同材質;如果建立,那么它必須以一個" _ "特征開始
An introduction to creating a web page that uses web parts to allow the user to customize the content and layout of a page 關于創建使用web部件(它允許用戶自定義頁的內容和布局)的網頁的介紹。
Comprehensive global asset coverage with programmatic or gui interface to add user - defined securities or composites 全面的全球資產覆蓋,擁有程序和圖形用戶界面,便于用戶自定義債券和成分的加入。
Additionally , it will not have problems calling udf ' s multiple times or have records changing while previewing the report 另外,多次調用用戶自定義函數或是在報表預覽時數據發生改變也不會有問題。
User - defined exceptions are identified by classes as well . using this mechanism it is possible to create extensible hierarchies of exceptions 用戶自定義異常也可以是類。利用這個機制可以創建可擴展的異常體系。
Widest security coverage broad range of intuitive factors ; country , currency , sector , style , economic , statistical user - defined 最寬廣覆蓋的證券和直觀因素,包括國家貨幣行業風格經濟統計和用戶自定義因素。
Consider using events to allow users to customize the behavior of a framework without the need for the users to understand object orientation 在允許用戶自定義框架的行為而無需用戶了解對象環境時,應考慮使用事件。
Note : only the keys have to be the same to get a match , both in the automatic comparison and in the user - defined function 注意:無論在自動比較的情況下,還是在用戶自定義函數的情況下,所有的鍵必須相同(相互匹配) 。