However , the unceasing growth of the market is in demand of the more standardized operating environment and the more open , fairer , more impartial market order 證券市場的不斷發展要求有更為規范的運作環境,更為"公開、公平、公正"的市場秩序。
Kowloon west has developed rapidly in recent years . with more people moved into the area , new shopping malls are in demand and olympian city is one of them 西九龍近年變化很大,隨著大量新樓盤落成入伙,區內的大型商場自然應運而生,奧海城便是其中之一。
Discernible waists , however , are the one feature of the female form that has always been in demand , according to academics who analysed references to beauty in literature 英國學者通過研究文學作品最后得出結論:不同時代關于美女的描述中,曲線玲瓏的腰肢是共同的特征。
With the rapid development of computer technic and communication technic , the shortcomings of traditional anolog surveillance become evident , a kind of more advanced surveillance system is in demand 視音頻監控是現代化管理的手段之一,在金融、交通等許多重要部門是至為重要的。
Graduates will also be in demand in careers which use their multi - disciplinary knowledge in areas such as teaching , conservation , impact assessment , management , strategic planning and consultancy 畢業生們還可以利用自己多學科的綜合知識在教育、發展、影響評估、管理、策劃以及咨詢方面大顯身手。
Conclusions : there is a great deal of professional were in demand in public health field , and there should be developing sequel - education and specialty training of the pubic health specialty 結論:天津市公共衛生機構對于高素質專業人才需求較大,并應積極開展公共衛生人員的繼續學歷教育和專業培訓。
Now , many companies have added homeland security sectors , and those educated in the field are in demand 2 , says mel bernstein , director of university programs for the department of homeland security 國土安全部負責指導大學課程的伯恩斯坦說,許多公司現在都新設了國土安全部門,對接受過這方面教育的人需求量很大。
Both kinds find their way into the trade in large quantities from china and japan . on account of their size and their relatively low weight , they are popular wherever colour and volume are in demand at low prices 由于這兩者珊瑚,其尺寸與重量都較低于其它珊瑚品種,其價格也平價許多,因此無論任何顏色或尺寸在市場上都極為搶手。
If you can ensure that data is translated from one endpoint to the other , consistently and correctly in any of these cases , you ll quickly be in demand and employed - and that s good for the whole team 如果在任何一種情況下都能保證數據一致而正確地從一個端點轉化到另一個端點,那么您很快就能把自己推銷出去,這對整個團隊也有好處!