Article 12 terms and conditions set in a standard contract , which violate the principle of good faith and are conspicuously unfair to consumers , shall be null and void 第12條(定型化契約無效之情形)定型化契約中之條款違反誠信原則,對消費者顯失公平者,無效。
Article 15 where articles in standard contracts in a standard contract contradict the bargaining contracts , the contradicted part shall be null and void 第15條(定型化契約中一般條款無效之情形)定型化契約中之定型化契約條款?觸個別磋商條款之約定者,其?觸部分無效。
If experimental animals that come short of standard are used , the results of examination and safety assessment thus obtained shall be null and void and the products thus made shall not be used 應用不合格實驗動物取得的檢定或者安全評價結果無效,所生產的制品不得使用。
Every full member of the club may only appoint one proxy . if a person appoints more than one proxy , then all such proxies will be null and void 大埔船會的正式會員只能委任一位有效的代表會員出席周年會員大會。如多于一位有效的代表會員被委任,其所有的委任書將會宣布無效。
Article 22 the resolution of the shareholders ' convention , shareholders ' meeting or board of directors of the company that has violated any law or administrative regulation shall be null and void 第二十二條公司股東會或者股東大會、董事會的決議內容違反法律、行政法規的無效。
If a guaranty contract is determined to be null and void , the debtor , the guarantor or the creditor who is in default shall bear civil liability according to their respective fault 擔保合同被確認無效后,債務人、擔保人、債權人有過錯的,應當根據其過錯各自承擔相應的民事責任。
After a civil act has been determined to be null and void or has been rescinded , the party who acquired property as a result of the act shall return it to the party who suffered a loss 第六十一條民事行為被確認為無效或者被撤銷后,當事人因該行為取得的財產,應當返還給受損失的一方。
Article 6 if a person having no capacity or limited capacity for civil acts signs a negotiable instrument , the signature shall be null and void , but this shall not affect the effect of others ' signatures 第六條無民事行為能力人或者限制民事行為能力人在票據上簽章的,其簽章無效,但是不影響其他簽章的效力。
Article 44 any stipulation in a contract of carriage of goods by sea or a bill of lading or other similar documents evidencing such contract that derogates from the provisions o this chapter shall be null and void 第四十四條海上貨物運輸合同和作為合同憑證的提單或者其他運輸單證中的條款,違反本章規定的,無效。
Article 44 any stipulation in a contract of carriage of goods by sea or a bill of lading or other similar documents evidencing such contract that derogates from the provisions of this chapter shall be null and void 第四十四條海上貨物運輸合同和作為合同憑證的提單或者其他運輸單證中的條款,違反本章規定的,無效。