By the first century the making of paper in some parts of china had been well developed and had become common 到公元一世紀的時候,中國有些地方的造紙業已經很發達而且很普遍。
In the 15th century the emperor ' s emissaries sailed as far as mozambique , carrying silk and returning with a giraffe 在14世紀,皇帝的使臣遠航至莫桑比克,送去的是絲綢,帶回的是長頸鹿。
By the late 18th century the fish were widely popular in england and soon the goldfish bowl was seen in many homes 到18世紀晚期,在英國喂養這種金魚已經很流行,在許多家庭都能看到金魚碗。
They rolled their way into europe , and by the 18th century the “ migrette ” or “ quiz ” had become a favored toy of aristocrats 到了18世紀,這種外來的小玩意已成為歐洲貴族最喜愛的玩具。
Thus the open door to america - - for centuries the gateway of opportunity for countless millions - - was partially closed 這樣,敞開著的進入美國的門戶- -幾個世紀以來對無數人的機會之門- -部分地被關閉了。
From the 16th to the 19th century the city developed parallel to the river , with the main street acting as a dyke 從16世紀至19世紀這個城市沿著河流兩岸逐漸發展擴大,一些主要街道都擔當著河堤的作用。
In the 15th century the emperor ' s emissaries sailed as far as mozambique , carrying silk and returning with a giraffe 遠在15世紀,中國的皇帝派遣的使節最遠航行到過莫桑比克,以帶來的絲綢換取當地的長頸鹿。
In the 17th century the swedes repeatedly besieged it , and in the 18th century it endured the plague and two devastating fires 17世紀,遭到了瑞典人反復地的圍困,并且在18世紀經受了瘟疫和兩場毀滅性的火災。
In the mid 18th century the wife of the british ambassador in constantinople described this in her letters , which were published after her death 18世紀中期,英國駐君士坦丁堡大使的夫人在信中對此做了描述。
Since 20th century the problem of financial safety causes wide attentions , peoples try to explain the crises and solve it 二十世紀九十年代以來發生的多次金融危機引起國際社會和理論界對金融安全問題的關注。