It has certainly been more attended to of late years, and many treatises have been published on the subject . 近年來人們對于這個問題,的確比以前要注意,出版的書籍亦很多。
The new aesthetic forms were thenceforward written off as typical aberrations of late capitalism society . 這些新的美學形式從此被當作資本主義社會后期典型的離經叛道而被一筆勾銷了。
Among other things opportunity had of late years been denied her of learning to be undignified, for she lived lonely . 不說別的,她近年以來就沒有走向卑陋的機會,因為她老離群索居。
The first order of business was a call to the assignment desk for a pre-bedtime rundown of latest developments . 工作順序的第一項是打電話到調遣部,聽取就寢時間前情況最新發展的詳細摘要。
It was the exercise of moral leadership that won these men their popularity and the lasting regard of later generations . 他們履行了精神領袖的職責,從而替這些人贏來人望和后世的永遠的敬仰。
She had held so aloof of late that her trouble, never generally known, was nearly forgotten in marlott . 她近來一點兒也不和別人交往,所以她的遭遇,本來就不是盡人皆知,現在在馬勒村里,差不多都沒人記得了。
For the first time of late years he could read as his musings inclined him, without any eye to cramming for a profession . 近幾年以來,他能按照自己意愿,選擇所讀的書,不必為了職業需要起見而硬塞生填,這是第一次。
He did not go so far as to say, for her pleasure, that there was a sort of divine right there; but, i have heard claims almost as magnificent of late years . 他并沒有為了讓她更快樂一點,甚至說在那兒還有一種“神圣的權力”;但是,近年來我曾經聽見過同這種說法幾乎是一樣的天花亂墜的其他種種說法。
Pierre had of late rarely seen his wife alone 皮埃爾近來很少單獨地和妻子會面。
Scientific nature of law of background of later - modern 后現代背景下法律的科學性