I learned a lot from the old hands but also saw them make typical newbie mistakes ( like holding on to a loser ) for far too long 我跟老手們學了很多,但是也看到他們犯很多典型的菜鳥錯誤(比如“打死都不賣” ) 。
No new user could ever love fluxbox - even though i know a number of old hands who swear by fluxbox parent , blackbox 沒有新用戶會去喜歡fluxbox盡管我認識很多經驗豐富的人,那些人是blackbox ( fluxbox起源于它)的忠實信徒。
" you ' re absolutely right , " said the beggar , obviously an old hand at the game . " when i was blind , people kept giving me foreign coins . "你說的一點兒沒錯, "那乞丐說。他顯然是乞討老手。 "我眼瞎的時候,人們老是給我外幣。
Full service station with 8 pumps , convenience store , 3 - month old hand car wash doing $ 15k per month and growing 企業背景介紹包括8個油泵、一個便利店和一個3個月的二手洗車設備(每月1 . 5萬美元,還在增長)在內的整個加油站。
" you are absolutely right , " said the beggar , obviously an old hand at the game . " when i was blind , people kept giving me foreign coins . “你說的一點都沒錯, ”那乞丐說。他顯然是乞討老手。 “我眼瞎的時候,人們老是給我外幣。 ”
Some old hands like to work with fdisk if you don t know what fdisk is , don t choose it ; others are comfortable letting red hat carve up their disk for them 一些老手喜歡用fdisk (如果您不知道fdisk是什么,那就別選) ;另一些則樂于讓red hat為他們進行磁盤分區。
For western food , do not cram food down the throat ; for a date , do not in untidy clothes ; for golfing , be an expert and old hand ; for answering the phone or making calls , be a gentleman 吃西餐,不可狼吞虎咽;赴約會,不可衣冠不整;打高爾夫,應該像一位行家里手;接打手機,應該是一個紳士。
Then all the old hands remembered that a certain dry mead , into which a few of the cows had been admitted of late , had , in years gone by , spoilt the butter in the same way 于是所有的老工人也想起來了,近來有幾頭牛跑到了一塊干草地里,在好幾年前,也是因為一些牛跑進了那塊地里而弄壞了黃油。
Kutuzov , his uniform unbuttoned , and his fat neck as though set free from bondage , bulging over the collar , was sitting in a low chair with his podgy old hands laid symmetrically on the arms ; he was almost asleep 庫圖佐夫身穿一件沒有扣上鈕扣的制服,他那肥胖的頸項仿佛得到解救似的,從制服中伸出來,他坐在伏爾泰椅上,把那胖乎乎的老人的手對稱地放在伏爾泰椅扶手上,幾乎快要睡著了。