Freeze or clean and cook poultry as soon as you reach home from a shopping trip , as existing viruses multiply rapidly in raw meat at room temperature 從商店一回到家就應該將家禽冷凍或者馬上清洗干凈進行烹調,因為生肉上存活的病毒在室溫下會快速大量地繁殖。
His knees had become raw meat like his feet , and though he padded them with the shirt from his back it was a red track he left behind him on the moss and stones 他的膝蓋就像他的腳一樣變成了一團血肉,不管他怎樣撕下背上的襯衫來護著它,還是在他身后的苔蘚和巖石上留下了一路血印。
However , the documented scientific evidence of potential animal and public health risks in feeding raw meats outweigh any perceived benefits of this feeding practice 相反,已有科學文獻證明:生肉飼喂寵物可能危及寵物以及人類社會的公共健康,這種飼喂方式帶來的潛在危害比重大于其可能帶給寵物的益處。
If veterinarians do recommend raw meat diets for pets under their care they should be aware of potential liability concerns should a pet or in - contact human become ill due to pathogens originating in the diet 若執業獸醫建議飼主采取生肉飼喂的方式,他們應該?解這種食譜可能導致寵物被病菌侵襲而患病。
The department also mounted 36 operations against unlicensed meat roasting factories in 2001 , resulting in 22 persons arrested , 16 076 kilograms of roasted meat and 10 577 kilograms of raw meat seized 本署在二一年對非法燒臘工場采取了36次掃蕩行動,拘控了22人,并檢獲16 076公斤制成品及10 577公斤生肉。
For those willing to sample something unusual , there are also " dama noodles . " despite the name it s not actually a noodle dish , but rather a raw meat preparation devised by atayal hunters 敢于嘗試新口味的游客,還可以來上一道山地沙西米達麻面,那可不是什么面食,而是原住民為了貯藏食物而發明的一種美食。
The department also mounted 36 operations against unlicensed meat roasting factories in 2001 , resulting in 22 persons arrested , 16 076 kilograms of roasted meat and 10 577 kilograms of raw meat seized 本署在二一年對非法燒臘工場采取了36次掃蕩行動,拘控了22人,并檢獲16076公斤制成品及10577公斤生肉。
If only one set of cutting board and knife is available , you should handle the cooked chicken first and thoroughly clean the cutting board and knife with liquid detergents before handling raw meat 如情況不許何,只有一套刀具和砧板可用,則應先切熟雞,清洗刀具和砧板后再切生肉。這樣可預防生肉上的細菌傳到熟雞上。
If only one set of cutting board and knife is available , you should handle the cooked chicken first and thoroughly clean the cutting board and knife with liquid detergents before handling raw meat 如情況不許何,只有一套刀具和砧板可用,則應先切熟雞,清洗刀具和砧板后再切生肉。這樣可預防生肉上的細菌傳到熟雞上。