Figure 4. 1 provides an overview of sectoral trade taxes and subsidies in various developing countries . 圖41提供了不同發展中國家的部門貿易稅和補貼的概況。
The federal government should nurture infant industries through overt subsidies and protective tariffs . 聯邦政府應該通過公開補貼和保護關稅來扶植新生的工業。
Subsidies on rice exports by industrial countries also discourage higher production in low-cost countries . 各工業國對大米出口的補貼也抑制了低成本國家提高生產。
Acreage controls and input subsidies work at cross purposes, each increases the cost of the other . 耕種面積控制和投入補貼的作用背道而馳,每一方的作用都增加了對方的代價。
Since this interest rate was higher than the bank could charge on loans, a government subsidy was necessary . 由于這一利率高于銀行所能收取的貸款利率,就必然需要政府補貼。
Subsidies from the individual countries amounted to almost 8 percent of the gross value of milk at domestic prices . 按本國價格計算,每個國家的補貼已占牛奶生產總值的近8。
Subsidies can also be cost-effective when they are concentrated on food that is eaten mainly by the poor . 如果把補貼集中于主要是窮人消費的糧食品種上,補貼的成本效益也是好的。
Finally, the civil aeronautics board (cab) has jurisdiction over civil aviation, including routes, rates, and subsidies . 最后,民用航空局(CAB)對民航(包括航線,運費和津貼)有管轄權。
The benefits of subsidies are typically confined to large farms and to regions with favourable climates and good infrastructure . 補貼帶來的好處一般限于大型農場和氣候優越、基礎設施良好的地區。
Export subsidies are generally not used explicitly but occur implicitly through changes in the profit margins of marketing boards . 出口補貼一般不采用直接方式,而是通過變動經銷機構的利潤含蓄地進行的。