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  • Separate assessments for married couples are not allowed under personal assessment because there is scope for abuse . for example , the couple may transfer income and assets between them in order to benefit from the personal allowances and deductions and the progressive rates available under personal assessment
  • Our basic personal allowance is hk 100 , 000 , while the basic personal allowance is about hk 35 , 000 in australia , hk 66 , 000 in united states and hk 73 , 000 in the united kingdom . moreover , we have a number of other allowances , such as dependent parent allowance , child allowance and dependent brother sister allowance , etc
  • Under personal assessment , tax is calculated at progressive tax rates on the aggregated income of the individual or of the couple , if married from all sources . from this total income , business losses , approved charitable donations , interest payments on money borrowed for purpose of producing property income , personal allowances and concessionary deductions may be allowed . tax is then charged on the balance at progressive tax rates similar to those used for salaries tax
  • For this reason , personal assessment was introduced , as a tax relief measure , to provide an opportunity for an individual who also has income from profits tax and or property tax to elect for total income assessment involving the personal allowances and progressive tax rates that otherwise apply only to salaries tax
  • If both you and your spouse have salaries income and your spouse has income less than the total of allowable " home loan interest " and personal allowance , you and your spouse may elect " joint assessment " under salaries tax in part 4 . 4 so that the relevant " home loan interest " would be deductible from your aggregate assessable income ( please refer to the example below )
    如你和配偶均有薪俸收入,而你配偶的收入少于其個人免稅額和居所貸款利息扣除額的總和,你們可于第4 . 4部選擇薪俸稅下的合并評稅。這樣,有關居所貸款利息將會從你們的合計應評稅入息中扣除(請參閱下面的例子) 。
  • Customs officers will , based on risk management , select passengers passing through the green channel for baggage examination at a customs clearance cubicle . a passenger found with excessive quantity of dutiable commodities or any prohibitedcontrolled goods not being covered by a valid licencepermit may be liable to prosecution or penalty
  • For any former employeedirector who has ceased to earn income chargeable to hong kong salaries tax ( such as by reason of retirement or departure from hong kong ) , you are required to file a form ir56b only when the gains realized during the year of assessment have exceeded the basic allowance for the year of assessment ( i . e . $ 104 , 000 for 200304 )
    至于在本年度內(例如為了退休或離港等因素而)沒有其他應課薪俸稅收入的前雇員董事,則在其所得的收益超過$ 104 , 000時始須為其填報ir56b表格。 ( 200304課稅年度的個人免稅額為$ 104 , 000 )
  • If both you and your spouse have salaries income and your spouse has income less than the total of allowable " home loan interest " and personal allowance , you and your spouse may elect " joint assessment " under salaries tax in part 4 . 4 so that the relevant " home loan interest " would be deductible from your aggregate assessable income please refer to the example below
    如你和配偶均有薪俸收入,而你配偶的收入少于其個人免稅額和居所貸款利息扣除額的總和,你們可于第4 . 4部選擇薪俸稅下的合并評稅。這樣,有關居所貸款利息將會從你們的合計應評稅入息中扣除請參閱下面的例子。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
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