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  • Mgf plays the role of segregation . the third method is to enhance the oel by means of making complex with n - vi compounds . el - vi compounds are very stable and possessing higher electron mobility than organic materials
  • To achieve this temperature , the atoms must be isolated in a vacuum cell , suspended in free space by magnetic fields , and chilled by laser cooling and another technique called evaporative cooling [ see box on page 51 ]
    要達此溫度,原子必須隔離在真空腔里,利用磁場而漂浮在真空中,并以雷射冷卻法或另一種稱為蒸發冷卻的技術來降溫(參見87頁降溫大法) 。
  • Usually the measuring values of these systems are based on the wavelengths of the incorporated laser sources . hence , in order to ensure that the high potential accuracy of these instruments is achieved , the values of their wavelengths in vacuum must be known
  • Chapter 4 , " the analysis to the external environment of chinese college " , analyses the external environment , consisting of macro environment and the chinese college field . section 1 indicates the influence on chinese college by the macro environment factors as economy , system and law
  • The base unit of length in the international metric system ( si ) is the metre which , since 1983 , is defined by the general conference of weights and measures as " the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1299 792 458 of a second "
    長度測量國際米制長度的基本單位是米。自一九八三年起,國際計量大會( generalconferenceofweightsandmeasures )已把米界定為光在真空中1299792458秒時間間隔內所經路程的長度。
  • In 1992 , a . enders and g . . nimtz researched the propagation of microwave signal through several different cutoff waveguides with hp8510b network analyzer ( na ) system and hp70820 transition analyzer ( ta ) system . since 1990s , emig , martin and landauer have been investigating the propagation of electromagnetic pulse through a waveguide with piecewise different dielectric constants
  • The influence of microstructure on the flashover performance of alumina ceramics has been studied systematically through investigating the flashover performance of different alumina ceramic samples . experimental results reveal that the flashover performance is affected by the grain sizes and its dispersiveness . the smaller grain size is , the higher flashover performance ; the less dispersiveness of grain sizes is , the higher flashover performance
    3 .通過研究用不同工藝制備的氧化鋁陶瓷絕緣子(同一材料配方不同燒成工藝、同樣氧化鋁含量不同添加劑)在沖擊電壓作用下在真空中的沿面閃絡特性和表面帶電特性,首次深入系統地探索了材料微觀結構對陶瓷材料沿面閃絡性能的影響規律。
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