Grain gradation, from coarser below to finer above in repeated, truncated sequences within the ellerslie sandstone is also evident . 在埃勒斯萊砂巖層段內,重復出現的截頂層序中,自下而上,由粗變細的粒級遞變也是明顯的。
He was troubled by its "hell-fired" quality, and tried to make the book more attractive by supplying a lengthy preamble on the salem custom house . 他還擔心這本書會形同一把“地獄之火”,為了更吸引人,還在書前寫了一篇描寫塞勒姆海關的長序。
These investigators tenaciously argued the evolution of stars downward along the sequence ought to be accompanied by a continuous and very substantial loss of mass . 這些研究者就頑固地爭辯說,恒星沿主星序向下的演化,應該伴隨著連續的和很顯著的質量損失。
The weak natural partial order on - regular semigroup 正則半群上的弱自然偏序關系
Display gdb ' s current idea of the target byte order 顯示當前目標字節序的配置。
Regularity for homogeneous banach algebras and multipliers 代數中半序的某些性質
Some suggestions for the perfection of pretrial procedure 完善審前程序的設想。
A contrastive study of english and chinese quot; word order quot 英漢語序對比分析
List of written submissions received by alphabetical order 意見書一覽表依筆劃序
Each sequenced message has a sequence number 每個已編序的消息都有一個序列號。