- By today , six production lines in the vietnam factory has gone into operation
時至今日,集團在越南新廠房已有六條生產線投入生產。 - Although abacuses are not commonly used these days , the tradition lives on
時至今日,算盤的使用雖然并不普遍,但這個習慣仍保存下來。 - People now understand nvc s role and functions , which are gradually increasing
時至今日,公眾已充分理解nvc的角色及其日漸增加的職能。 - While these measures are still being used , they are becoming less meaningful
時至今日,這些指標雖然照舊沿用,但它們的參考價值已然下降。 - Ford felt that these everyday objects told a truth not written about in history books
時至今日,教育學者將這些物品稱為第一手的資料來源。 - Today , the public s call for the harbour to be preserved and protected is loud and clear
時至今日,市民對保存和保護維港表達了強烈的訴求。 - Participants now number more than 2 , 500 from 250 schools across the country
時至今日,參加人數已超逾2 , 500人,分別來自加拿大250多所學校。 - The strategy has proved effective and remains the icac s guiding principle today
這策略證實行之有效,時至今日,己成為廉政公署的金科玉律。 - There are different kinds of problems in demographic reproduction for every state