In short , you must measure up in what you ' re supposed to be trained in - be it media , business or it 簡單的說,不論你選修的科目是傳媒、商業管理或資訊科技,你都必須取得合格的標準。
In short , with over 830 , 000 courses on offer in the uk , study in the uk is highly accessible for foreign students 簡單的說,英國提供的課程超過830 , 000門,非常歡迎外國學生來英國留學。
Economics of or involved in the creation of goods and services to produce wealth or value 生產性的:創造價值或財富的產品或服務的創造的或從事之的。簡單的說就是用喝酒的時間掙錢,嘎嘎。
These principles , which guide ups even today , are summarised by jims slogan : best service and lowest rates 時至今日, ups依然遵循這些原則,簡單的說, jim的口號就是:最佳的服務,最低的費用。
In simple terms , the world buys from these countries and they then invest the net proceeds in financial markets 簡單的說就是,這個世界從這些國家購買,然后這些國家將這些凈收入投入金融市場。
There was a hole in the driver ' s side rear window . it was small , but just maybe … & quot; c ' mon , girl , & quot; i said 簡單的說,在靠近駕駛車位的窗有個小洞。我可能可以把它從那個洞給救出。
In simple words , if you are expecting to make money through your writing you better write some damn interesting things 簡單的說,如果你想通過你寫的東西賺錢,你最好寫一些非常非常有趣的事情。
Simply put , we get used to things , and as a result , very little in life turns out quite as good as we expect it to be 簡單的說,我們會對事物產生習慣,所以生命中很少會有事物像我們所預期的一樣好。
Basically the answer was that the space shuttle and the space station are kept brightly lit , so it is difficult to see a lot of stars 簡單的說,由于航天器和航空站過于明亮,所以很難看到很多的星星。
To be brief , the informatization instructional design is the instructional design which doing in the informatization circumstance 所謂“信息化教學設計”簡單的說就是在信息化環境下進行的教學設計。