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  • In short , you must measure up in what you ' re supposed to be trained in - be it media , business or it
  • In short , with over 830 , 000 courses on offer in the uk , study in the uk is highly accessible for foreign students
    簡單的說,英國提供的課程超過830 , 000門,非常歡迎外國學生來英國留學。
  • Economics of or involved in the creation of goods and services to produce wealth or value
  • These principles , which guide ups even today , are summarised by jims slogan : best service and lowest rates
    時至今日, ups依然遵循這些原則,簡單的說, jim的口號就是:最佳的服務,最低的費用。
  • In simple terms , the world buys from these countries and they then invest the net proceeds in financial markets
  • There was a hole in the driver ' s side rear window . it was small , but just maybe … & quot; c ' mon , girl , & quot; i said
  • In simple words , if you are expecting to make money through your writing you better write some damn interesting things
  • Simply put , we get used to things , and as a result , very little in life turns out quite as good as we expect it to be
  • Basically the answer was that the space shuttle and the space station are kept brightly lit , so it is difficult to see a lot of stars
  • To be brief , the informatization instructional design is the instructional design which doing in the informatization circumstance
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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