Behavior characterstics study on completed suicide among elderly in rural sample of changsha , hunan , china 長沙市農村自殺死亡老年人群自殺行為特征研究
What are some of the behavioral features of the disease that neither theory can account for completely 這些疾病的哪些行為特征兩種理論都不能完滿地解釋。
Study on characteristics of aids related behavior and serological surveillance among drug users in beijing 北京市吸毒人群艾滋病相關行為特征及血清學監測研究
The tourism ' s spatial bahaviour feature of the old people and the regulation of the strategy on tourism development 老齡人口旅游空間行為特征及其對旅游業發展的啟示
1 gusfield d . algorithms on strings , trees , and sequences : computer science and computational biology 在此背景下,本文首先分析了megablast程序的流程和計算行為特征。
Objective to understand the infection sources , care - seek ing behaviour and std prevention in std clinic patients 目的探討性病患者的感染源、求醫和防病等行為特征。
The participants then answered questions about how they expected the men in the photos to behave 接著,這些受試對象被要求回答一些問題,設想照片中的男性有何行為特征。
Effect of psychological , personality and behavioral characteristics on smoking control in patients with initially diagnosed hypertension 個性和行為特征對控煙效果的影響
The study was based on a random sample of 38 chinese and korean businessmen in beijing 研究范圍包括他們的行為特征,在不同處境中的約定俗成及對談判結果的個人滿意程度。
Moreover , sometimes the extraction of the user ' s behavior data can ' t reflect the real characteristics of the user operation 系統提供的用戶行為特征不一定能正確反應用戶的真實行為特征。