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14th century

"14th century"的翻譯和解釋


  • The great plagues and wars of the 14th century , for example , reduced not only the growth rate but also the absolute size of global population , both largely involuntary changes
  • The integration of china ' s 1 . 3 billion people will be as momentous for the world economy as the black death was for 14th century europe , but to the opposite effect
  • The first primitive gunpowder siege artillery , bombards were created in china and western europe in the early 14th century and spread to the rest of the world by the late 14th century
  • Comparable to delhi in the 14th century , the city , with an estimated population of half a million , covered 33 sq km and was surrounded by several concentric lines of fortification
  • Inhabited in paleolithic and neolithic times , the region was an important conglomeration of native states by the 14th century but became a british protectorate in 1894
  • Built mainly between the 7th and 19th centuries , it has the oldest slav monastery ( st pantelejmon ) and more than 800 byzantine - style icons dating from the 11th to the end of the 14th century
  • Although norway long ago became an independent kingdom , as the consequence of intermarriage between royal families , norway , denmark and sweden in the 14th century became unified into a single kingdom
  • The present two - chamber system began in the 14th century in england : the house of lords the upper house and the house of commons the lower house sit separately and are constituted on entirely different principles
    在14世紀,英格蘭開始實行現在的兩院制:貴族院(上院)和平民院(下院) 。兩院依據完全不同的原則組成。
  • Moon cakes are also associated with the overthrow of the mongol invaders in the 14th century . the story goes that chinese revolutionaries planned to revolt against the government on the fifteenth day of the eighth month
  • Reports of jesus ' ' s burial shroud have been circulating since the 14th century , and attempts have been made since then to connect the " shroud of turin " with the " image of edessa " though no connection can be substantiated
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