The great plagues and wars of the 14th century , for example , reduced not only the growth rate but also the absolute size of global population , both largely involuntary changes 例如瘟疫與戰爭不只抑制了成長率,還減少了全球人口數,但是那并不是出自有意識的抉擇。
The integration of china ' s 1 . 3 billion people will be as momentous for the world economy as the black death was for 14th century europe , but to the opposite effect 中國生產的商品更廉價,這有助于平抑富國的通貨膨脹和利率,但可能間接鼓勵了富國的過度借貸和資產價格泡沫。
The first primitive gunpowder siege artillery , bombards were created in china and western europe in the early 14th century and spread to the rest of the world by the late 14th century 最早的攻城火器,臼炮是14世紀早期由中國和西歐發明,并于14世紀晚期傳播到世界的其他地方。
Comparable to delhi in the 14th century , the city , with an estimated population of half a million , covered 33 sq km and was surrounded by several concentric lines of fortification 估計該城有50萬人口,面積33平方千米,周圍環繞著幾條發散的防御工事,這與14世紀的德里有相似之處。
Inhabited in paleolithic and neolithic times , the region was an important conglomeration of native states by the 14th century but became a british protectorate in 1894 在舊石器和新石器時期就有人居住,這個地區到14世紀為止是土著國家的一個重要的聯合政體,但在1894年成了英國保護地。
Built mainly between the 7th and 19th centuries , it has the oldest slav monastery ( st pantelejmon ) and more than 800 byzantine - style icons dating from the 11th to the end of the 14th century 它建于公元7世紀至19世紀,擁有最古老的古斯拉夫修道院和800多幅11世紀至14世紀末的拜占庭風格的畫像。
Although norway long ago became an independent kingdom , as the consequence of intermarriage between royal families , norway , denmark and sweden in the 14th century became unified into a single kingdom 挪威本是一個獨立的王國,但是在十四世紀時,因皇室的聯姻使得挪威、丹麥、瑞典聯合成一個王國。
The present two - chamber system began in the 14th century in england : the house of lords the upper house and the house of commons the lower house sit separately and are constituted on entirely different principles 在14世紀,英格蘭開始實行現在的兩院制:貴族院(上院)和平民院(下院) 。兩院依據完全不同的原則組成。
Moon cakes are also associated with the overthrow of the mongol invaders in the 14th century . the story goes that chinese revolutionaries planned to revolt against the government on the fifteenth day of the eighth month 元末,漢人深受壓迫,紅巾軍號召起義,約定中秋節以贈送月餅為名,互通消息,在餡料中夾入紙條作為起義訊號。
Reports of jesus ' ' s burial shroud have been circulating since the 14th century , and attempts have been made since then to connect the " shroud of turin " with the " image of edessa " though no connection can be substantiated 有關埋葬耶穌的裹尸布報道自十四世紀開始就流傳起來,此后一直嘗試把“都靈裹尸布”和“伊多莎的肖像”關聯起來,盡管沒有關聯可以被證實得到。