This will save some size while avoiding the danger of the dlls in the system directory being replaced later and breaking any applications that dynamically link to them 這樣可以避免發生系統目錄中的dll在以后被替換,從而破壞動態鏈接到這些dll的任何應用程序的危險,同時還可以節省一些空間。
We can view selectors as methods which themselves are not dynamically linked but still behave like polymorphic functions because they let dynamically linked functions do their real work 我們可以認為選擇器是不動態鏈接但仍然被認為行為類似多態函數的方法,這是因為他們是在真正工作的時候才進行動態鏈接。
Developerworks , october 2001 demonstrates how dynamically linked libraries are often a great way to add functionality without writing a whole new linux application ( developerworks , 2001年10月)闡述了動態鏈接程序庫為何通常是一個極好的方法,從而使您不需要編寫一個全新的linux應用程序,就可以添加功能。
Tags can be specified to ooc as labels on the prototypes of dynamically linked methods in the class definition file , and as labels on a method header in the imple1 _ _ mentation file ; the latter have precedence 標記可以被指定為動態連接方法原型的標簽記錄在類定義文件中,并且在實現文件中方法頭上作為標簽;后邊的有優先權。
This will save size and avoids the danger of the dlls in the system directory being replaced later with another install of an application and breaking applications that dynamically link to the dlls 這樣有助于節省空間大小,并避免了系統目錄中的dll以后被應用程序的另一個安裝所替換,從而破壞動態鏈接到dll的應用程序的危險性。
When you redistribute a native application that dynamically links to mfc atl , and deploy the mfc atl runtime dlls to the application directory , the application may not link to the dlls in that directory 如果重新發布動態鏈接到mfc / atl的本機應用程序,并將mfc / atl運行時dll部署到應用程序目錄,應用程序可能不會鏈接到該目錄中的dll 。
The dllhusk sample dynamically links the mfc library to applications and custom dynamic - link libraries sharing the same class library code , thus reducing the total memory required by running multiple applications Dllhusk示例將mfc庫動態鏈接到共享相同類庫代碼的應用程序和自定義動態鏈接庫( dll ) ,從而減少運行多個應用程序所需的總內存。
Dynamically linking to mfc also offers other possible application architectures in which part of the application is implemented in a custom dll , and both the application and the custom dll share the mfc dll mfcxx . dll 動態鏈接到mfc還提供了其他可能的應用程序結構,使應用程序的一部分在自定義dll中實現,并且應用程序和自定義dll共享mfc dll ( mfcxx . dll ) 。
Writing the initialization is straightforward : we specify the class names , inheritance relationships , and the size of the object structures , and then we add selector / method pairs for all dynamically linked methods defined in the file 引用初始化是直接了當的:指明類的名稱、繼承關系、對象結構大小以及所有頭文件里定義的動態連接方法的選擇器方法對偶。
If you are dynamically linking , and need to redistribute the dlls in the cab , do not install the dlls to the system directory , such as - windows , on the device . instead , install the dlls into the local application directory 如果采用的是動態鏈接,并需要在cab中重新發布dll ,請不要將dll安裝到設備上的系統目錄(如 windows )中,而應將dll安裝到本地應用程序目錄中。