In a big , federally - funded study of hormone replacement therapy , women in their 50s who took estrogen fared better on a key measure of heart health than women who took placebos , according to an analysis published today in the new england journal of medicine 今天發表于新英格蘭醫學雜志的一篇評論稱,在一項政府資助的關于激素替代療法的重大研究中發現,服用了雌激素后50多歲女性的一項心臟健康的關鍵指標優于(同年齡組)服用安慰劑的女性。
The heart of the issue is that if untrusted content can be introduced into a dynamic page , neither the web sites nor the client has enough information to recognize that this has happened and take protective actions , " according to cert coordination center , a federally funded research and development center to study internet security vulnerabilities and provide incident response 問題的核心是,如果不可信的內容被引入到動態頁面中,則無論是網站還是客戶機都沒有足夠的信息識別這種情況的發生并采取保護措施, ” cert協調中心( cert coordination center )如是說。該中心是由聯邦政府資助的研究開發中心,研究因特網安全性弱點并提供事件響應。
A series of reforms that americans now take for granted were constituted : rigorous safety standards for all cars ; investigations into safety defects ; federally mandated recalls of vehicles with hazardous features ; development of new safety technologies ; and a highway safety program 一系列安全改革措施被制定出來,這些措施當今的美國人已認為是理所當然,它們包括:對所有汽車實行嚴格的安全標準、對安全缺陷要進行調查、全國性的對有危險特征的汽車強制回收、新的安全技術的開發,以及高速公路的安全性方案。
The largest single - year drop before that was 11 from 1998 - 99 , when parvo virus also was suspected , he said . the gray wolf is federally protected , but wyoming officials are seeking more control over the predators amid complaints from farmers and ranchers who say the growing wolf population poses a threat to wildlife , livestock and pets 史密斯還說,如果化驗結果最終證明的確是由犬類細小病毒引起的幼狼大批死亡,那么除了對狼群數量進行密切監控,并希望它們能建立起來一種天然的對該疾病的免疫性之外,人們幾乎什么也做不了。