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in the matter of

"in the matter of"的翻譯和解釋


  • She was pleased to see her in a way but reflected her husband s point of view in the matter of work
  • Kelmar , if he was unconscious of the beam in his own eye , was at least silent in the matter of his brother ' s mote
  • In music she thought him unreasonable , and in the matter of opera not only unreasonable but wilfully perverse
  • Yet in the matter of attractiveness to foreign investment at least two of these factors apply for china too : consumer market and workforce
  • She could see from the scrupulous care which he exercised in the matter of his personal appearance that his interest in life had abated not a jot
  • We regret the inconvenience you have sustained , but trust the unavoidable incident will not influence you in the matter of future orders
  • The food supply will not increase nearly enoueh to match this , which means that we are heading into a crisis in the matter of producing and marketing food
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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