With the progress of societies and the change of eras , audience ' s consuming conception to television news also has changed greatly , while the serving and entertaining functions of television news become more prominent 摘要隨著社會進步和時代變遷,觀眾對電視新聞的消費觀念也發生了很大變化,電視新聞的服務功能和娛樂功能更加凸顯。
Watch the same half - hour television news program ( local , national , or cable ) at the same time every night for a week ( 5 nights ) in order to observe the patterns by which information is organized , arranged , and distributed 持續收看一星期(五天)的電視新聞報導(當地、國家或有線電視) ,每天晚上同一時間半小時,以觀查各種訊息的組織、安排以及分配的形式。
In a video aired by an arabic television news network , the captors of three japanese hostages held knives to their throats and threatened to burn them alive if japan did not withdrawn from the u . s . - led occupying coalition within three days 在阿拉伯語電視新聞網播放的錄像帶中,劫持者把刀架在三名日本人質的脖子上,并威脅說如果日本在三天之內不從美軍為首的聯合占領軍中撤出,被劫持人質將被燒死。
By way of qualitative and quantitative study , the paper intends to unfold the underlying principles of television news ' s editing from the angle of the audience . by citing the communication theories , the paper draws a conclusion that only after television news improves its acceptability and meets the audience ' s needs , it is possible for it to acquire good communication effects 本文從分析電視新聞的受眾視角,以及對受眾選擇電視新聞行為有決定性影響的因素入手,闡述了在電視新聞編輯的過程中如何提升新聞的易受性,如何滿足受眾的心理需求。