Article 84 the carrier and the consignee shall mutually provide reasonable facilities for the survey and inspection stipulated in article 81 and 83 of this code 第八十四條承運人和收貨人對本法第八十一條和第八十三條規定的檢驗,應當相互提供合理的便利條件。
Which occurred throughout hong kong last week ( august 31 to september 6 ) . fifty - two of these accidents occurred on hong kong island , 140 in kowloon and 81 in the new territories 其中有五十二宗意外在港島區發生,一百四十宗在九龍區及八十一宗在新界區發生。
He spent 28 years copying 81 volumes of buddhist scripture with the blood of his tongue and gold powder . he died at the age of 126 , and for three years his body did not decay 他花了二十八年時間,用舌血和金粉抄寫了大方廣佛華嚴經八十一卷,活到一百一十歲坐化。
Where a power outage is caused by reasons such as natural disasters , etc . , the power supplier shall timely make emergency repair in accordance with the relevant stipulations of the state 第一百八十一條因自然災害等原因斷電,供電人應當按照國家有關規定及時搶修。
Police figures show that there were 13 , 681 accidents in the first eleven months of this year , which saw an increase of 550 cases when compared with the same period in 2003 根據警方數字,今年首十一個月共有一萬三千六百八十一宗交通意外,較去年同期上升五百五十宗。
The tender document , which formed part of the binding contract , stipulated that each worker employed by yu s ting sing was to be paid not less than $ 5 , 081 each month 有關投標文件訂明,每名受雇于余氏天成的工人,每人每月所獲得的的工資不得少于五千零八十一元。
Shortly before 9 am , a bus travelling along the eastbound carriageway of king s road reportedly knocked down the 81 - year - old man when he was crossing the road near power street 今晨約九時,一輛沿英皇道東行的巴士駛至大強街時,據報撞倒該名正在橫過馬路的八十一歲男子。