If microalbuminuria reflects changes occurring at the filtration membrane leel , the ealuation of albumin in all three states ( whole molecules , antibody - recognizable molecules , and peptide fragments ) may be required 如果微量白蛋白尿反映的是發生在濾過膜水平的改變,那么三種狀態的白蛋白(完整分子、抗體可識別的分子、肽鏈碎片)都需要評估。
Users logging in from an afs client would not be able to tell which server they were working on because from the users point of view , they would work on a single system with recognizable unix file system semantics 從afs客戶機登錄的用戶將分辨不出他們在哪個服務器上運行,因為從用戶的觀點來看,他們想在有可識別的unix文件系統語義的單個系統上運行。
Information necessary for the operation of the new system is converted from existing data sources into a format accessible by the new system . the converted data is then loaded into the data structures associated with the system 數據轉換新系統運作所需的數據會由現有的數據源轉換為新系統可識別的格式。經轉換的數據接著會載入與系統有關的數據結構。
Tencent will not use children s personal information , nor will it disclose to any third party the recognizable information of the children without prior approval of the guardian , unless it is necessary for us to provide our service to the children 未經監護人事先同意,騰訊不會使用青少年的個人信息,也不會向任何第三方透露可識別的信息,除非是為了向青少年提供服務之必要。
Finally , in order to test and evaluate the frs , the attack - defense experimentation is taken . the frs is optimized in the light of the experimentation result . the achievements of this research include the design and implement of a frs prototype 最后,對該原型系統進行了攻防試驗,測試結果表明,本系統對受控網絡中的攻擊,可進行快速攻擊源回溯;對可識別的入侵,依據指定的安全策略可進行有效的響應。
If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the program , and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves , then this license , and its terms , do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works 倘著作中可識別的一部份并非衍生自本程式,并且可以合理地認為是一獨立的、個別的著作,則當您將其作為個別著作加以散布時,本授權及其條款將不適用于該部分。
If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the program , and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves , then this license , and its terms , do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works 如果該作品的一些可識別的部分不是派生自該程序,那么它們當然可以被看成是獨立的作品,因此,當您將這些部分作為單獨的作品發布時,該許可及其條款不適用于它們。
After translating the action records into the state table that can be called by computer , the simulation with visual basic and matlab / simulink were carried out , respectively . the software developed could be adopted as a tool for the reliability design of automotive electronic packaging 將人工記錄的汽車活動記錄表轉化為計算機可識別的活動狀態表,基于該狀態表和上述三種物理模型進而實現對汽車環境的模塊化仿真。
Much of epidemiological and social science research is devoted to estimation of causal effect . generally , the causal effect is not identifiable without any constraint which is called the ancillary information in this paper . first the definition of the identifiability for the ancillary information is proposed and then sufficient and necessary conditions for the identifiability of an important type of ancillary information are discussed . finally , the results are expanded to a more common case 在流行病學和社會科學中,大量的研究是估計因果效應.一般而言,沒有任何假設的條件下,因果效應無法獲得,即不給因果變量任何輔助信息,因果效應無法識別.作者提出了輔助信息可識別的定義,并且針對一類比較普遍且重要的輔助信息得出它在一類因果模型中對4種因果效應可識別的充要條件,最后將這結果推廣到一般情況