George did n't know which house on the street was jane 's so he began ringing doorbells hit or miss . 喬治不知道簡珍妮住在那條街上的哪棟房子里,因此他就東一家西一戶漫無目的地按門鈴。
In that case he probably reached his destination by now, but he won't have left the country because of the storm . 如是那樣,現在他可能已到達目的地,但由于風大雨急,他還無法離開這個國家。
Deerslayer waited a little to make certain that he had at last gained the desired position, when he gave the signal agreed on . 殺鹿人稍微停了一下,看清了自己所要到達的目的地,就發出了約定的信號。
He thought his happiness was complete when, as he meandered aimlessly along, suddenly he stood by the edge of a full-fed river . 他漫無目的地閑逛著,覺得自己是最幸福的,不知不覺來到了一條春水盈盈的河邊。
The microprocessor instruction code must have some bits to identify every possible source register and destination register . 微處理機的指令代碼就必須要有若干位,以便能夠識別出每個可能的源寄存器和每個可能的目的地寄存器。
Tess durbeyfield, then, in good heart, and full of zest for life, descended the eddon slopes lower and lower towards the dairy of her pilgrimage . 苔絲德北那時候一團的高興,對于生命懷著滿腔的激情,她下了愛敦荒原的山坡,走向目的地牛奶廠。
Some passengers actually reach their destinations 有些乘客已抵達至他們目的地。
Tourism : an important way to spread the local culture 傳播目的地文化的重要方式
An outbound service and an outbound service destination 出站服務和入站服務目的地
Describes the queue destination creation process 描述了隊列目的地的創建過程。