- Have something a little different going on , you know
都會有些與眾不同的地方,你明白嗎? - He considered that a cruel and unusual way to go
他認為這是一種殘忍的、與眾不同的方法。 - Have something a little different going on , you know
都會有些與眾不同的地方,你明白嗎? - The best couple , best kids , a different life . .
最好的夫妻,最棒的孩子與眾不同的生活. . - You have an incredible imagination
那恰恰說明你擁有與眾不同的想象力 - Other steps send me hurrying back underneath the ground
我會辨認出一種與眾不同的腳步聲。 - It ' s odd that laurie came from such a different - -
是有點奇怪,勞拉以這樣一種與眾不同的… … - This piace has a different kind of sounds
這個地方有著與眾不同的聲音 - " the w0rld in my st0ry is different .
在我的故事里,世界是與眾不同的 - For the title " gulf " he wrote quite a different story