In preparation for the 2008 olympic games , beijing government has set down a series of measures to improve the capital ' s air quality ; however , whether these measures will work has yet to be proved 我試著翻譯第一句看看:為了迎接2008年奧運會,北京市政府制訂了一系列措施以改善北京的空氣污染,但是現在還很難說這些措施是否有效。
The advisory committee submitted its first report to the government in january , recommending a series of measures , such as improvement of students ' soft skills and an expansion of the internship programme 諮詢委員會在二零零一年一月向政府提交第一份報告書,提出一系列建議,例如改善學生在傳統技能以外的軟技能,以及增加實習計劃的名額。
In order to solve the border environmental problems that both countries face together , mexico and america cooperate together to take a series of measures and have established coordinated mechanisms in the international stratification 為了解決兩國共同面臨的邊界環境問題,墨西哥和美國相互合作采取了一系列措施,建立了國際層面上的協調機制。
In order to relieve the plight brought about by the economic downturn , the government has introduced a series of measures relating to taxation , finance and economy in the budget in february , at the end of may and in late june 政府分別在本年二月的財政預算案,五月底及六月下旬先后推出了一系列有關稅務金融經濟等方面的措施,以紓緩經濟逆轉所帶來的困境。
To help the community tide over the difficulties resulting from sars and to revive the economy after the disease is brought under control , the chief executive announced a series of measures costing about $ 11 . 8 billion in april 2003 行政長官在二零零三年四月宣布動用約118億元,推行一套紓困方案,以協助市民渡過sars所帶來的困境,并在疫癥受控后振興經濟。